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The Lay Monastic Community of Caryana


Winnowing Fan Articles

A Program of Spiritual Formation for Candidates to the Priesthood


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S of G Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 1759 MCPO, Makati City 1257


The Writings of the Fathers and the Saints on the Spiritual Life 
(Summarized and Simplified for the Busy Christian)



Virtual Tour

Oratory of Our Lady of Guadalupe
(Pampanga, Philippines)


The plans for the private oratory of Our Lady of Guadalupe were born after receiving a favor through the intercession of Our Lady under the said title. The favor was a child eventually baptized Juan Diego.

The realization that ONLY in the apparition in Guadalupe, Mexico, did God allow the true face of Our Lady as she appears today in heaven to be imprinted on the tilma of Juan Diego for all men to see, made the Lay Monastic Community of Caryana to take it upon themselves to share this treasure to all her children. No other apparition of Our Lady has been so privileged.

The Spanish Novena was translated into seven local dialects; Japanese, Malaysian, Chinese and Thai and freely distributed. Actual sizes and smaller versions of the miraculous image were distributed to Bishops, parishes, and seminaries upon request.

On a pilgrimage to Mexico, former Justice Jose Y. Feria obtained an authorization from the Abbot of the Basilica of Guadalupe to propagate devotion to her around the Philippines and Asia. This was followed with a private audience with the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, wherein His Holiness blessed the pilgrim image for the Philippines and Asia. Justice Feria also gifted the Pope with an actual size replica of the tilma executed in canvass as a gift from the community.

Knowing that Our Lady's wish was to build a chapel in her honor in Guadalupe, the community built the Oratory of Our Lady of Guadalupe within its compound in Magalang, Pampanga...hopefully where She can listen to the prayers of her children. The private oratory was inaugurated with a solemn Pontifical mass on Dec. 12, 1998.

The community has extended propagation of devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe to Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong, Japan, Timor, Zambia, Malawi, Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, Uganda and India, as well as to both South and North America.  


Monastic Life

The Way of Life of the First Christian Communities

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Guadalupe Series on Ascetical Topics

The Miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe


Gloria Olivae



Lenten Retreat

Lenten Retreat 1

Lenten Retreat 2

Lenten Retreat 3

Lenten Retreat 4

Lenten Retreat 5

Lenten Retreat 6

Lenten Retreat 7

 Lenten Retreat 8

Lenten Retreat 9

  Lenten Retreat 10

 Lenten Retreat 11

 Lenten Retreat 12




Gloria Olivae Videos


The Winnowing Fan hopes ..."to do what little it could to solve the evils that beset the church."
Teresa of Avila


Winnowing Fan and Guadalupe Series are owned and copyrighted by S. of G. Foundation.
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